Tuesday 29 July 2014

Factors that influence website performance- Server Side

The following factors affect a websites performance at a server level. This means they are problems at the web hosts or Internet Service providers end. This means unlike the user side the user doesn't have the power to resolve these issues on their own.

Server storage space
When you create a website you most likely go to a web host and you ask them to host your website for a fee. The fee you pay is for space on the web host's server, if a website gets close to or exceeds this space the creator will be unable to add content. Depending on the type of website depends on how much the website is affected by this. If the main feature is a forum the website will be compromised if a user  is unable to post. Also the page will start to lose favour with the audience if it is unable to be updated/interacted with. To solve this the creator can either pay for more storage space or cut down the size of the website, for example by optimizing images.

Bandwidth Limitations
Bandwidth is determined by the speed of a person's modem which is  provided by an ISP. Bandwidth is the rate that a computer can transfer files from one point to another, this is usually expressed in bits per second (bps). If a computer is operating at a low bandwidth the files needed to load a website will take a long time to transfer to the user's browser, meaning the websites performance will be drastically affected e.g. time to load and quality of video/animated content.

Pages with too many scripts
All web pages run scripts, these are a sequence of instructions for the programs on a computer to run. There are many examples of these scripts the most popular being JavaScript. Having a lot of scripts isn't a bad thing, for some websites they need a lot of scripts to run their content. But website creators have to be aware that too many scripts will slow the websites down on the user's side. In order to combat this the creator will have to buy extra space or save space in other areas of the website.

Website content
One of the most obvious components that make a website is the content, there are a wide range of different a website can have. For example text, images, sound, animation and databases. This content can have large file sizes and can cause a website to run slowly and could cause other content not to work. Obviously you can't do without this content so a website creator has to find a way to get the same content but at a smaller file size. A good way to do this is to optimize the it, this means decreasing the file size without decreasing the quality.


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