Thursday 17 July 2014

Case Study 6(Page jacking)- eToys/Barnes and Noble

In 2000 the US Federal Trade Commission received a complaint from Greg Boser from search engine optimization company Web Guerrilla. It was alleged that some of his clients such as Disney CNET and The Discovery Channel had had their pages 'jacked.' It was claimed that the pages were 'jacked' and used to try to generate sales and traffic for online retailers eToys and Barnes and Noble Booksellers. It worked by locating highly searched websites matching relevant keywords on eToys nad Barnes and Noble's websites. They then copied the pages to its server and used a cloaking system to display the stolen pages. Anyone who  clicked on the 'jacked' pages websites were redirected to the web sites of Green Flash's clients.  
The impact was that until it was discovered eToys and Barnes and Noble benefited significantly, there websites received a large amount of extra traffic and it is likely that they may have experienced extra sales than they would have usually. This also had negative effects on the websites of the websites 'jacked.' They received less traffic and may have lost out on sales or reputation. People may have been trying to access the rightful websites but as they were redirected they refused to try to reconnect to the page and visit it in future.
The investigating company Web Guerilla took the owners of the websites Green Flash to court. Due to the nature of the investigation Green Flash were forced to cease operations while the case was being investigated. If any employees of Green Flash were found guitly they were liable to terminate the contract of the individuals. 

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